It happens every year. As temperature plummet, our utility bills skyrocket. Tankless Experts wants to educate you on 7 ways to lower winter utility costs. We hope these tips help you save money for holiday gifts or fun winter activities. 

There are many ways to lower utility costs. Today, we are going to cover our top 7 easiest ways to lower winter utility costs. 

  1. Adjust the Water Heater Temperature
  2. Insulate Your Pipes
  3. Inspect Your Home Insulation
  4. Weather Strip Windows and Doors
  5. Heating System Maintenance
  6. Upgrade Your Thermostat
  7. Unplug Unused Electronics

Each of these tips can be used independently or together for better effects. They each have their own benefits to keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the frigid colder weather. Tankless Experts hope these will alleviate the burden on your wallet and get you through another winter.

1. Adjust the Water Heater Temperature

One way to lower winter energy costs is to adjust the temperature of your water heater. This tip is more impactful if your home was an older model water heater, especially a tank-style water heater. Keeping a higher water temperature setting during the cold weather causes your water heater to require more energy. Simply lowering this setting can have a direct impact on your energy bills. Play with your settings to look for the lowest setting possible while still maintaining the ideal hot water temperature for your needs. 

If you have a larger budget or are in the market for a hot water heater upgrade, now might be a good time to take the final steps. Modern water heaters pay for themselves over time due to the amount of energy savings provided, tankless options especially. We have previously covered the pros and cons of tankless water heaters. Take a read and see if upgrading is worth it for your home.

2. Insulate Your Pipes

Adjusting your water heater temperature is not the only way to lower the energy costs of providing hot water to your home. A simple and cheap way to save money is by insulating the pipes within your home. Insulating pipes helps reduce the amount of heat lost between your water heating system and the place it is being delivered. Reducing this heat loss allows you to run your water heater at a lower setting and shortens the length of time it takes for hot water to get from your water heater. Tankless experts fully endorse insulating pipes. Check out our full-length article on insulating your pipes for a more comprehensive breakdown. 

3. Inspect Your Home Insulation

Insulation is cheap and effective for reducing heat loss, not only for your water pipes but throughout your whole home. Inspecting your home for ways to improve on your current insulation can save you a large amount of money in heating costs. Insulation is crucial for crawl spaces or attics detached from your home’s air system as well as exterior walls. Buffer any areas you deem lacking and enjoy the fruits of your labour next time you get your electric bill.  

4. Weather Strip Windows and Doors

The simplest way to keep your home warm is by keeping the cold air out. Insulating your home does not stop at inspecting the walls. Windows and doors are the number one culprits for cold air entering your home. Checking the existing weather stripping or adding new insulation will reduce the number of drafts and alleviate the strain on your home heating systems. Weatherstripping is a cheap upgrade anyone can install. 

5. Heating System Maintenance

Maintaining your home’s heating system ensures your system is running more energy efficiently. It will increase the lifespan and output of your system. Even if you do not want to have your system professionally inspected, there are certain things you can do yourself to improve peak energy efficiency. 

  • Make Sure No Vents are Blocked
  • Change Out Your Air Filter Regularly
  • Clean Your System of any Debris or Dust Buildup

A clean heating system is a happy system.

6. Upgrade Your Thermostat

Technology is ever-advancing and becoming more accessible for everyone. Upgrading to a smart thermostat is a great upgrade to your home to lower winter utility costs. Smart thermostats offer a variety of thermostat settings to reduce energy usage and lower heating bills. Lowering the temperature of your thermostat can have a major impact on utility bills. Modern programmable thermostats allow you to create custom schedules to reduce energy consumption while you are away or asleep. 

7. Unplug Unused Electronics

Any device plugged in has constant power usage. Even when not on any device keeps a constant charge ready for immediate use whenever required. Taking the extra time to unplug devices when not in use lowers the power consumption of your home. This is a free and easy way to lower utility bills. Consider using power strips to quickly turn off multiple devices at a time to quickly reduce electricity usage. 

As always, Tankless Experts is always here for any of your needs and will happily answer any questions and concerns.

When it comes to finding the right tankless water heater solution for your situation, trust the industry leaders. Tankless Experts is dedicated to offering informed advice, an affordable water heater option, and solutions based on your unique needs. We carry and service various types of tankless water heaters capable of covering any size room or home. Contact us today for more information and a free, no-obligation estimate!