Tankless Experts Inc specializes in maintaining, servicing and installing tankless water heaters. Throughout our years of service, we have seen and fixed it all. We wanted to share our experience and tips for diagnosing and resolving 5 common tankless water heater problems. This information is to help those homeowners who chose to take on DIY projects to save some money with tankless water heater issues. 

Our top 5 common tankless water heater problems are:

  1. Combustion Issues
  2. Blocked Air Supply
  3. System Overload
  4. Mineral/Sediment Buildup
  5. Cold Water Sandwich

Hot water heaters rarely break down and often exist as the unsung heroes of our homes. Recognizing common issues early on and performing regular maintenance will extend the lifespan of your system while improving efficiency. 

1. Combustion Issues

A common and potentially dangerous problem comes with gas-powered water heaters. Gas-powered water heaters use a flame to heat water as it passes through your system. These types of heaters are often the most efficient in quickly delivering hot water but can expose your home to gas leaks or fire hazards in worst-case scenarios. There are several issues that can arise with gas-powered heaters.

  • Flame Failure
  • Ignition Failure
  • Gas Leaks

The first thing to check when you are not getting hot water is the propane levels or gas supply in your area. Running your system without fuel will not produce hot water. If you still have access to fuel, gas lines are another common culprit for flame failure. It is important to regularly inspect these lines for any damage or wear reducing gas pressure. If you cannot locate any damage to your gas lines or lack of gas, there may be a larger issue at hand, such as regulator failure. Contact a professional for any tankless water heater repair you may require to protect yourself and your home. 

2. Blocked Air Supply

The air supply is vital for tankless systems both gas and electric. Proper airflow prevents your system from overheating and causing damage to itself or your home. Most modern heaters will automatically shut down and require attention to resolve this issue quickly. A displayed error code will let you know that your system has noticed an issue. If you notice your system is no longer functioning, check your system’s display for any error codes and reference your user manual for their meeting. 

To fix this error, ensure all exhaust vents are clear of dust and debris, damage or any other obstructions. These vents can be damaged over time. Holes or tears in venting reduce the airflow to your unit resulting in errors. 

3. System Overload

Tankless systems provide endless hot water, but they are limited in the amount of water they can provide at one time. Too much demand on your unit will reduce its effectiveness and potentially result in the system shutting down. Switching to a tankless unit takes a while to adjust to. Being careful to reduce the number of outlets at any one moment will make sure the water produced is at the ideal temperature. 

Cycling your system is important after experiencing a system overload. It is important to allow the system time to rest and reset to prevent damage. if you are experiencing frequent overloads, evaluate the amount of hot water you require versus your system’s capabilities. Consider upgrading your system or spreading out your water demand over time to prevent this common tankless water heater problem. 

4. Mineral/Sediment Buildup

If you notice lowered efficiency in your home’s hot water, it might be time to clean your system of mineral and sediment buildup. Over time minerals collect in your systems reducing their heating efficiency. All water contains natural minerals such as calcium. As water is heated, these minerals can adhere to your system and build up.

For best results, you should flush your system twice a year. This can be done with several on-the-market kits or professionally. Flushing your systems removes any buildup of minerals or sediment. Some tankless heaters have built-in water filters which should also be regularly cleaned. Tankless Experts regularly assists our customers with this task. Feel free to reach out for any questions or services. 

5. Cold Water Sandwich

Cold water sandwich is an issue unique to tankless water heaters. Cold water sandwich is a term used to explain the brief periods of cold water that come between regular hot water usage. Tankless water heaters heat water on demand. If you ever experience immediate warm water than periods of cold water, this is not your unit malfunctioning. Warm water in your water pipes can retain heat for an extended time. When your unit cools faster than the warm water in your pipes, this is a cold water sandwich. This is nothing to worry about once you are aware of the issue. 

As always, Tankless Experts is always here for any of your needs and will happily answer any questions and concerns.

When it comes to finding the right tankless water heater solution for your situation, trust the industry leaders. Tankless Experts is dedicated to offering informed advice, an affordable water heater option, and solutions based on your unique needs. We carry and service various types of tankless water heaters capable of covering any size room or home. Contact us today for more information and a free, no-obligation estimate!